Category: Research at VCU

Underslung Load Stabilization

Underslung Load Stabilization

One summer project involved lifting a ReadyMadeRC Anaconda aircraft several hundred feet in the air using one of our large quadcopters, and then dropping it into free flight. Though successful, the flights exposed a serious hazard: the underslung load tends to start pendulum-like oscillation when moved. This is both difficult to damp out through manual …

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Visual Navigation System

Visual Navigation System

My thesis project in grad school was the design, implementation, and testing of a system for navigating drones through indoor spaces. The system should address the domain-specific challenges of indoor flight: No GPS Unreliable Magnetometer and Barometer Smaller areas -> tighter control and smaller margins Live environment, with dynamic obstacles I proposed and implemented a …

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Spirithawk is a sponsored research project performed at VCU, in collaboration with UVA and sponsored by the Army. The most significant output of this research was a unique VTOL, tri-motor aircraft capable of being 3D-printed and assembled with zero hardware (snap-together construction). With UVA providing aircraft design and manufacturing expertise, VCU, with myself as the …

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